(I am not a writer, so forgive my amateur skills.)  While I have always found him creative and talented, I think not enough is said about who he really is.   After seeing some of the footage from  Public XS, it occurred to me: Hey- the origin story is pretty close to what happened to Peter, he had just turned it around on himself and made tragedy into comedy, modesty into egomania.  Many, many clips from XS are on the NEXT PAGE so don't miss it!

XS doesn't cover is how he’s sacrificed so much of his life for others.  Peter became a caregiver to members of his family. When they needed him, he was there.  He put his life and career on hold, stepped up and made their final years and days better, his needs last.

A certain gentleman by the name of 
Jack Lemmon not only loved the idea of Peter’s “secret trilogy project” but also reflected on Peter being “the genuine article.”  Basically, he said that the “poor me” bio with the unhappy childhood, suffering all and getting little in return for being there for family was “everyone’s make-believe bio” for fraudulent unknowns trying to make it in show business: their unauthorized autobiography, well milked . . .  He also said that he rarely met “the genuine article” and was not surprised that such a person would  in reality be “life affirming,” turning the whole thing around on himself (see PUBLIC XS).   In short, Mr. Lemmon felt that who Peter Michaels was, as a man, was just as important as who he was as an artist, and this explained his extraordinary talents.  He also offered several suggestions as to how to present Peter's trilogy to those who might scoff at the mere suggestion he was capable of being in control of a multi-milion dollar production and making the vision happen.

Even after all this strife, Peter Michaels still presents well.  His ideas are unique and interesting. He has kept that youthful look, the video ‘Interview’ shows how his clothes and manner are still current today.

I would love to see someone in a position of some power to give this man a break.  He has always been generous to others, and it’s about time that things turn around for Peter.  He really has what it takes! I see so much real mindless swill that passes for entertainment out there!  If there is a way into Heaven, there will be a free pass for the person who gives a deserving, genuine talent, who has more than paid his dues, a fighting chance for survival in the world of entertainment.  Such a fertile mind is rare indeed.

I know that even though Mr. Michaels has written us a couple of posts, one called "My Two Cents," (see
PUBLIC XS)  he won’t be actually be looking in on the site.  He is not the type that wants to read about how some of us out here think that he is so great a person, and a talent. After all the material we have asked for, I’m sure he has some clue about what we are up to though.  In closing: I wish he does take a peek now and then, so he can see for himself that there are those of us who fight for him.    

 We admire Peter Michaels the man, and want only for this website to bring him the attention and career break he greatly deserves.  Here’s looking at you kid!

                                                         Sandy Macchiaverna

Wecome to our new home.  Yes, we are aware that dreamworldpro.com mysteriously vanished without notice.  Yes, Peter Michaels is still alive ~ but like Groucho Marx, Peter says he has serious doubts about Life before Death.  Thank you all so much for the many kind words of concern and interest. 

Presenting a glimpse of the many faces of Peter Michaels.

Peter Michaels' work philosophy:
 "The story is star."


(petermichaels.us formerly dreamworldpro.com)

"Anything that can not kill me can only make me stranger."


Note:  Dream World Productions is the creation of Peter Michaels.

Petermichaels.us (formerly Dreamworldpro.com) is owned, operated and managed by friends and followers of Peter Michaels. All Things Peter Michaels: Writer, Actor, Director - A Good Man

 Dream World Productions

​​​​​​We, the friends and followers of Peter Michaels, present here a sampling of Mr. Michaels' body of work to demonstrate his skills and mastery of writing, directing, producing film and video.  And we're only showing what he's accomplished on no budget.  Imagine the possibilities of real back-up!  It is a well-deserved celebration of his life's work and the world should take notice, as one of his ilk comes along so very rarely . . .

His latest and greatest work is a smart action / adventure film with subtle complexities and mass appeal.  Naturally, we are not at liberty to reveal the story-line here.  I've also been privy to several other concepts of Peter's for movies and other media, that are just amazing. These unique ideas have much more than a beginning, middle and an end already  - to my eye they all have mass appeal built right into them.

At first Peter was not sure about this website, but we convinced him it just had to be out there!
Ideas are timeless, after all. Any serious professional interest of his work would need an easily available sampling of his abilities.

Well, obviously we posted, and the response was overwhelmingly positive.  When we told him that his work was even more valid in the 21st century, he looked astonished and said, “I’ll be damned.”

Click around the pages of this site and enjoy a few small samples of (much larger) past projects.  See what a real talent can do with just the passion he has for the work- and the need to create something for others. Spread the word. Perhaps the right people will discover what Peter Michaels has to offer and the world can share in his gifts.  We all win!

                                                            ~ Kelly Sands